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The Horn of Bulvikis

The Horn of Bulvikis

Location: 3.87 km from Nida town centre


It is thought that the name of the widest part of the Curonian Spit peninsula derived from an old Curonian surname Bulvikis. The other theory says that the name could be a combination of two Swedish words: “bolja” (a wave) and  “vik” (a bay).  It spreads  3.8 km coast to coast.


Before the reforestation of the Curonian Spit the Horn of Bulvikis was “growing” fast. It is noted that from 1837 to 1910, the width would extend by around 7 metres every year. In a true, ever-dynamic Curonian style, the process now is reversed: the lagoon currents are constantly eroding the edge of the Horn, causing it to shrink.


The Horn of Bulvikis awards visitors with a superb view of the Curonian Lagoon and its surrounding shores, including the popular bird watchers' spot of Ventės Cape on the opposite side of the Lagoon. However, the optical illusion of the other shore looking rather close is indeed deceptive: the distance between these two sights is 8 km, and the average depth at this point is around 3 m.


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